
What Makes a Great Gym/Studio?

Happy Friday everyone!

This week, I said goodbye for good to my previous job teaching middle school and started full time as the assistant manager at a yoga studio/medspa.

4 Person Pushup

Part of my job is to manage the studio end of the business, doing the scheduling, talking with clients, teaching classes, etc.

I’ve had ideas swirling around my head for ways I can enhance the studio, so I thought this would be a good place to share them and get some of your thoughts.

What makes a great yoga studio or gym?

1. Welcoming Atmosphere

There is nothing worse than walking in to a workout class and feeling like an intruder.  I am very conscious of new clients or beginners in my class, and I work hard to make sure they feel welcome and a part of the class.

2. Enthusiastic Teachers

This one isn’t a problem for a second in my studio.  We have excited, friendly teachers who love what they do!

3. Variety

I had an interesting conversation with a client last night that really made me think.  We are having difficulty finding a new teacher for a class in which the original teacher moved away.  This class is dance-based and quite popular.  In order to get some of the other teachers to take it over, we are looking in to changing the format.  However, this is tricky, because we don’t want to turn away the clients who loved it the way it was.

She mentioned to me that what she really values about that class is the cardio, as we don’t have many other cardio classes on the schedule.  This was kind of eye-opening as far as structuring the new class, and as I look at the schedule as a whole.  Which leads me to…

4. Connects with clients

It took me quite awhile to compile a list of email address for the members at my studio today, but I did it.  In my opinion, it is really important to communicate and build a community in order to get people to keep coming back and building a healthy lifestyle and a successful studio.

5. Fun!

This one has got to be the most important.  If you don’t enjoy going somewhere, you’re not going to go back, am I right?

What do you think makes a great gym or yoga studio?